The Two Elements to Win at Networking

Networking events can feel like a blur

Here’s how it goes for most people: 

  1. You meet people… 

  2. exchange cards…

  3. And talk about how you should “meet up”...

…but nothing comes from it. 

So, the question is - how do I make networking truly move the needle for my business? 

As with all other things related to business operations, it boils down to two things: 

Quantity and quality

Earth-shattering information, right? 


But here’s the kicker— I’ve used this networking-specific framework to see real results from my efforts.

Here’s the core of this post: 

  1. Quantity = familiarity

  2. Quality = trust

Put another way, to win at marketing, you must: 

  1. Stay top-of-mind through regular interactions

  2. Win the confidence of others (in both the personal and professional realms)

Familiarity keeps you in the conversation, but trust ensures you’re the person people turn to when they need help.

If you can master these two elements, you’ll win. 

Here are the exact steps that have worked (and are currently working) for me.

Build Familiarity (the “Quantity” Aspect)

  1. Join an Exclusive Networking Group Join a paid networking group where members have performance metrics and required attendance. It’s an easy way to stay visible. Familiarity becomes less about remembering to “follow up” via email or phone call, and more about simply showing up. I’ve also found that these groups generate more referrals since members are tracked on how much value they give. 

  2. Make it Easy to Connect Offline. Make it easy for people to schedule a call by using TidyCal (the better, cheaper version of Calendly). I put the link everywhere—business cards, emails, social media, you name it. I hand it out like candy. No one ever wonders how to get in contact with me. 

  3. Get in Front of People Embrace the unscalable at the start. Meet with as many people as possible, even if it feels chaotic or messy. You can optimize for your time later, but if a lack of visibility is your current bottleneck, then this IS the work. 

Build Trust (the “Quality” Aspect)

  1. Always Give More Than You Take Trust is built when you provide value without asking for anything in exchange. Super simple. An abundance mindset truly goes a long way, and is much easier to have when you are in a healthy place personally, emotionally, and financially. This often is applied in the next point. 

  2. Always Speak Honestly About Your Business When I started, I was transparent about the early stage of my business, but I always framed it as a strength (hint: abundance mindset). If your business is small, you can provide more customized, personal service than larger competitors. People like that. This also sets you up to…

  3. Always Underpromise & Overdeliver I try to apply the “Luke 14:10 principle” to everything. Pleasantly surprising people in multiple ways is a surefire way to build trust. This goes WAY beyond just service or product - it is a lifestyle thing. How I talk about my connections, company, finances, relationships, expertise, ability - I always try to undersell. Guess what? It works wonders for avoiding “imposter syndrome”. If I’m unsure what I can promise, I (try to) shut up and do my research before speaking. And by the way, doing this is a great way to unleash...

  4. The Power of Testimonials… Because what you say about you is meaningless. What others say about you can make or break your business. When my very first client took a chance on me, I delivered, big time. Then I made sure to record as much social proof from them as possible. They were happy to give me glowing written AND video testimonials. They told people that I delivered exceptional results. I call this “trust-traction”. Leverage the trust you do have to gain more clients, then over-deliver to earn their trust. Rinse and repeat. More and more people will seek you out because you are delivering results. And that snowball keeps a-growin’. 

  5. Participate Beyond Business Settings I truly view networking primarily as a means of making friends, not as a means to extract dollars. The dollars are a byproduct of friendships and trust, and people feel that. Strengthen relationships by connecting outside of business settings—grab dinner, attend events, or build genuine friendships.

In the end, networking is about consistently staying in front of people while proving your value through trust. Familiarity keeps you in the conversation, and trust closes the deal. When you master both, you’ve cracked the code.

Need help growing your network or building trust in your business? Feel free to reach out through my link.

Right now, I’m in "growth mode" and still taking one-on-one meetings, but in the future, you may be talking with a member of my team. Either way, I’m always excited to connect and help where I can.